In this policy brief, TASC developed a fiscal map, analysis and set of policy recommendations in an effort to 1) show how many sources of funding schools and community partners can bring to expanded learning approaches and 2) highlight for policymakers who control one or more of these funding streams just how complex this picture is.
Funding and sustaining high-quality expanded learning and afterschool opportunities remains a key challenge. TASC has mapped public funding sources that can be utilized for expanded learning efforts and Every Hour Counts has documented how intermediaries enhance sustainability of afterschool, summer and expanded learning systems by strengthening relationships among service providers, funders and policy makers.
Shaping the Future of After-School
This report, published by CBASS, documents the critical role intermediaries’ play in the development of afterschool systems in their cities. It shows how intermediaries have helped increase the quality, sustainability and availability of afterschool and offers a vision for public policy change to support the continued growth of afterschool.
Making the Connections: A Report on the First National Survey of Out-of-School Time Intermediary Organizations
This survey of intermediary organizations helps to explain what intermediaries do, pinpoint the ways in which they’ve made the greatest gains and suggest ways for spreading the progress.