This policy brief sets forth a set of six recommendations to address challenges to a broad adoption of expanded learning strategies in school reform initiatives.
School Reform
Expanded learning opportunities can play a key role in school reform initiatives. Every Hour Counts partners have worked to highlight the potential of these programs in terms of boosting academic achievement and to provide recommendations for integrating expanded learning into school reform efforts.
Integrating Expanded Learning and School Reform Initiatives: Challenges and Strategies
Enhancing School Reform Through Expanded Learning
This report aims to further the conversation of how school reform and improvement strategies can take full advantage of expanded learning opportunities to promote student learning, development and engagement.
Strategies for Success: A Plan to Align Out-of-School Time Initiatives with High School Reform
In this paper, TASC and The Urban Assembly propose a more systemic alignment of high school reform efforts in New York City with out-of-school time (OST) programs for high school students. The authors offer new models for high school OST programming to prepare young people for college and the workforce.
Learn Anytime, Anywhere: Rethinking How Students Earn Credit Beyond School Hours
In this policy brief, TASC offers policy recommendations to bring down bureaucratic barriers and encourage schools to collaborate on off-campus learning with community partners such as art and science institutions.