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- Joe Davis, Chief Operating Officer, Florida Afterschool Network
- Catherine DelVento, Program Director, 21st CCLC Afterschool Program
- Fatimah Abdullah, Program Director, Travelers Aid Family Services of Philadelphia
- Kerry Abel, Coordinator of Dropout Prevention & Community Partnerships, Richland County School District One
- Abdikadir Adan, Director, Xiitoacademy
- Mara Addison, Regional Manager, Salem-Keizer Education Foundation
- Francisco Alarcon, Chief Operating Officer, The Henry & Rilla White Youth Foundation, Inc.
- David Alba, Director, Central Falls School District
- Sue Albert, President, Playful Creations
- Tara Alder, Youth Community Coordinator, Logan Parks & Recreation
- Shelley Alexander, Educational Advisor/Special Ed Teacher, Alexander Educational Services
- Justin Alfond, State Senator, Maine State Senate
- Rick Alleva, Educator, Cooperative Extension, University of New Hampshire
- Anthony Allison, Program Officer, Norwalk Children's Foundation
- Jason Almerigi, Executive Director, Youth Outcomes, Inc.
- Jamie Alonzo, Director of Education, The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk
- Samantha Andersen, Project Manager, Communications and Outreach, RIASPA
- Ross Anderson, Extended Learning Coordinator, Norwich Public Schools
- Judith Anderson, CEO, Western Institute for Leadership Development
- Nell Anderson, Director of Education, Wausau School District
- James Andrews, Owner/Teaching Artist, Stinger Style Productions
- Ethel Angal, Director of Special Programs, Siuslaw School District
- Eduardo Angulo, Executive Director, Salem/Keizer Coalition Equality
- Ken Anthony, Director of Professional Development, Connecticut After School Network
- Eric Antonson, Program Director, Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa
- Pabby Arnold, Children's Coordinator, East Baton Rouge Parish Public Library
- Kirk Astroth, Director & Asst. Dean, Arizona 4-H Youth Development
- Lucy Atteberry, Nutrition Assistant, Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program, South Dakota State University
- Jim Auborm, Mayor, City of Port Orford
- Jamie Aweida, 21st CCLC Site Coordinator, New America School Denver
- Billie Jo Bakeberg, President, South Dakota School Age Care Alliance (SoDakSACA)
- Marion Baldwin, Program Associate, SEDL
- Cynthia M. Banks, Vice President of Operations, Boys & Girls Clubs of Newark, New Jersey
- Judy Bardonner, Director, Marian University Center for Community Learning
- Terri Barnes, Director of Program Quality, Dallas AfterSchool Network
- Audrey Barton, Financial Administrator, Every Child Valued
- Linda Barton, Executive Director, Wyoming Afterschool Alliance
- J. Scott Beaty, Executive Director, Minnesota Youth Intervention Programs Association
- Kelly Beck, Director for Education Partnerships, Haas Center for Public Service / Stanford University
- Beth Becker, Grants Manager, Urban Ventures
- Emerald Becker, Associate, Collaborative Communications Group
- Karen Beitzel, Youth Development Project Manager, Center for Schools and Communities
- Denise Benson, Director 21st CCLC, WCSD
- Marie Benson, Executive Director, Tanque Verde Extended Care Program
- Marla Berg, Principal, Wausau School District
- Lisa Berggren, COO/Managing Partner, EAGLE Junior Golf
- Lisa Berry, Counselor, Athens Area
- Angie Besso, Parent
- Kathleen Bethke, President/Owner, Katalyst Collaborative Group
- Emanuel Betz, 21st CCLC Director, Vermont Department of Education
- Paula J. Beugen, Community Change Consultant, Paula J. Beugen
- Rachel Beugre, Administrator, Soul of Camden, Inc.
- Bettie Jane Bibler, Teaching Artist, Iowa Arts Council
- Lauren Bierbaum, Deputy Director, Partnership for Youth Development
- Eric Billiet, Out-of-School Time Education Specialist, Minnesota Department of Education
- Barbara Blanchard, Past State President, Michigan PTA
- Elizabeth Blanco, Resident Leader, Bridgeport Public Schools
- Jorge Blau, Program Director, The Childrens Aid Society
- Georgiary Bledsoe, Executive Director, BUMP
- Dale Blyth, Professor, University of Minnesota
- Julie Boesch, Coordinator of Extended Day Programs, Greenfield Union School District
- Chris Boleman, Program Director, Texas 4-H
- Ron Bonnevie, ASP Grant Director & ELO Coordinator, MSAD54/Skowhegan, ME
- Lisa Bottoms, Program Director, Human Services/Child and Youth Development, The Cleveland Foundation
- Danielle Bowen, Director, Nevada Afterschool Network
- Sharon Bowman, Coordinator, Klamath Youth Development Network
- Cindy Boyd, Consultant, City of Fort Worth
- Jonathan Brack, Education Consultant, Brack Consulting
- Julie Brekke, Vice President, Programs, Fundraising and Communications, Project for Pride in Living (PPL)
- Sarah Brightwell, 21st Century Grant Coordinator, Richardson Independent School District
- Melanie Brizzi, Child Care Administrator, Indiana Bureau of Child Care
- Robert Brown, Founder, Center for Academics and Sports, University of Saint Thomas
- Catherine Brown, Professor, Indiana University—Purdue University Columbus (IUPUC)
- Kim Bruce, Parent, Parent
- Brad Bryant, Executive Director, Georgia Foundation for Public Education
- Polete Buard, Site Director, MISD
- Jim Buckheit, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators
- Robet Buesing, Chair, Children Forum
- Jayme Burke, Vice President, Foundations, Common Sense Media
- Charles Byrd, President and CEO, Center for Assessment, Strategic Planning, Evaluation and Research
- Jan Calvin, Principal, Full Circle Consulting
- Judith Cantil, VP Community Impact, United Way of Northwest Louisiana
- Victor Capellan, Deputy Superintendent for Transformation, Central Falls High School
- Sharon Carie, Senior Manager, Coordinated Child Care of Pinellas County
- Kimberly Carmichael, Technical Assistance Manager, South Carolina Afterschool Alliance
- Amanda Caron, Child Nutrition Advocate, Hunger Free Vermont
- Nancy Carrillo, Teacher, MCE Lluvias de Gracia
- Lisa Carter, Teacher, Trudi's Childcare
- Chad Caruthers, Executive Director, ACES
- Cathy Carvalho, Aspiring Principal/Teacher/OST Coordinator, Central Falls School District
- Paul Casey, CEO, Boys & Girls Club of Garfield
- Lisa Chappa, Lead Educator, Informal Science Learning Associates
- Kelly Chatman, Pastor, Redeemer Lutheran Church
- Chris Cheney, Outreach Manager, Bolder Options
- Melanie Chiodini, Extension Educator, MSU Extension
- Dr. Doug Christensen, Emeritus Commissioner of Education, State of Nebraska
- Dr. David Christiansen, Principal, Evans High School
- Mary Churchill, Parent, Hurley School
- Tracie Clanaugh, Program Director, BHK Child Development Board
- Alma Clayton-Pedersen, CEO, Emeritus Consulting Group
- Jeffrey Coan, Community School Director, Lincoln Community School
- Maryellen Coffey, Executive Director, BOSTnet
- Elizabeth Colby, Extended Learning Coordinator/Afterschool Director and Learning Labs Coordinator, Newfound Area School District and New Hampshire Department of Education
- Jeff Cole, Network Lead, Nebraska CLC Network
- Ida Collier, Program Associate, University of Arkansas
- Sheena Collier, Senior Associate, Collaborative Communications Group
- Celise Colston, College Student
- Amelia Colwell Reedy, Youth Program Director, Community Youth Concepts
- Keri Corey, Director of Training and Professional Development, The Jacksonville Children's Commission
- Evelyn Cosme Jones, Principal, Central Falls High School
- Janelle Cousino, Vice President, FowlerHoffman, LLC
- Andrew Coy, Co Executive Director, Digital Harbor Foundation
- Dawn Crayco, Deputy Director, End Hunger CT
- Ashley Cripe, Chair, Greater Waco Afterschool Network
- Jo Anne Cristobal, Wala
- Amy Croll, Executive Director, Community Youth Concepts
- Justina Cross, Program Officer, David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Katie Crumpler, Program Officer, North Carolina Center for Afterschool Programs
- Katie Cubina, SVP Educational Programs, The JASON Project
- Melissa Cuff, Director of Grants and Foundation Relations, YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities
- Brooke Culclasure, Research Director, Riley Institute
- Michelle Doucette Cunningham, Executive Director, Connecticut After School Network
- Louretta Cunningham-Powell, Education Consultant, Michigan Department of Education
- Cedric Currin-Moore, STEM Project Coordinator, Oklahoma Afterschool Network
- Elisabeth Cutler, Senior Research Analyst, Breakthrough Collaborative
- Samin Dadelahi, Chief Operating Officer, Wyoming Community Foundation
- Jeni Dains, Owner, I-Work
- Bobbi Davis, Resource Development Manager, Children's Board of Hillsborough County
- Jeff Davis, Program Director: STEM in OST Initiatives, California Afterschool Network
- Tricia Davis, Afterschool Program Specialist, Utah Department of Workforce Services, Office of Work and Family Life
- Karen Davis, Campaign Director, Georgia Food Bank Association
- Erin Davison-Rippey, Program Manager, Iowa Afterschool Alliance
- Liam Day, Director, Boston Area Health Education Center
- Larry De Coste, District Attendance Officer, Central Falls School District
- John De Souza, Executive Director, Southeast Florida Lions Foundation
- Veronica Del Bianco, 4-H Assistant Agent, LSU AgCenter 4-H
- Michael Denney, Director, Kentucky Family Resource and Youth Services Centers
- Ed Dennis, Deputy, Oregon Department of Education
- Blaire Denson, Director, Virginia Partnership for Out-of-School Time
- Nick Deychakiwsky, Program Officer, C.S. Mott Foundation
- Michelle Deyo-Amende, Executive Director, Belle Fourche Area Community Center
- Edd Diden, Director of Schools, Morgan County Schools
- Mary Diedrich, Dean, Student Success Programs, North Hennepin Community College
- Adrienne Diercks, Executive Director, Project SUCCESS
- Cathy Diffin, Executive Director of School Age, Little Sprouts
- Erin Doherty, Director of Afterschool Programs, MathPOWER
- Richard Dombkowski, Grants Coordinator, Buffalo Public Schools
- Michael Drake, Chief Service Officer, City of Little Rock
- Colin Dube, Programming/Reference Librarian, Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History
- Michael Dunagan, Development Director, Office of Education and Access, Smithsonian Institution
- Dawn Dunbar, President & CEO, After-School All-Stars Hawaii
- Jo Duncan, Science Director, St. Philip's College
- Alison Dunfee, School Programs Manager, El Programa Hispano, Catholic Charities
- Terri Ferinde Dunham, Partner, Collaborative Communications Group
- Andrea Durbin, Chief Executive Officer, Illinois Collaboration on Youth
- Amalie Duvall, Assistant Director, First Chance for Children
- Debra Duvall, Executive Director, AZ School Administrators, Inc
- Derick Easter, Pastor, Bailey Chapel Baptist Church
- Nathan Eberline, Associate Legislative Director & Legal Counsel, Kansas Association of Counties
- Eloisa Echavez, Executive Director, La Oportunidad
- Erik Edington, Chief Professional Officer, Boys & Girls Club of Clark County
- Gwen Edwards, Training Coordinator, Smart Start of Buncombe County Child Care Resource and Referral
- Kiana Edwards, Unit Director, Boys and Girls Club - Fairmount Unit
- Kathi Eilers, Executive Director, Jabbok Family Services
- Mauretta Elbert, Board Member, Children’s Coalition of Greater Baton Rouge
- Linda Elkins, Executive Director, Redeemer Hospitality Mission, Inc.
- Jamiller Ellis, Community Compact Supervisor, Coordinated Child Care of Pinellas
- Marty Elquist, CCR&R Program Manager, The Children's Cabinet
- Debbi Embry, Director, City of Racine
- Melissa Emidy, Association School Age Child Care Director, Hockomock Area YMCA
- Sheri Endsley, District Superintendent, City of Fort Worth
- Chuck Ericksen, Director, Community Education, Independent School District 622
- Quinton Ervin, Program Director, Good Shepherd Services
- Pearl Esau, President/CEO, Expect More Arizona
- Jennifer Esterline, Executive Director, KDK-Harman Foundation
- Amy Estersohn, Community Relations Director, Learning Unlimited
- Joan Evans, Council Member, City of Peoria Arizona
- Jenn Faber, State School-Age Services Coordinator, Florida's Office of Early Learning
- Peju Faboro, Quality Program Coordinator, Oklahoma Afterschool Network
- Terri Fackrell, Manager, Willamalane
- David Fair, Principal, David Fair Partners LLC
- Ron Fairchild, President & CEO, Smarter Learning Group
- Shelly Farrar, Executive Director, PAL of Cape Cod
- Rufus Faulk, Candidate, State Representative
- Lea Favor, Executive Director, Eco Education
- Amy Fecher, Arkansas State Director, Save the Children
- Arnold Fege, Director of Public Engagement and Advocacy, Public Education Network
- Cheryl Fekete, Training Manager, Community Coordinated Child Care (4-C)
- Jan Ficken, Recreation Manager, City of Brooklyn Park
- John Filutze, Teacher, East Allen County Schools
- Randy Fishfader, Member, Stand for Children
- Don Floyd, President and CEO, National 4-H Council
- Valentina Fominykh, Doctor
- Robin Foster-Drain, President, To Our Children's Future With Health, Inc.
- Michael Fournier, Senior Vice-President, Operations, YMCA of Greater Providence
- Steve Fowler, Partner, FowlerHoffman LLC
- Kelly Frank, Partner, Social Legends
- Phyllis Frank, Board Member, National Association for Year-Round Education
- Fred Franko, Director, Colorado Out-of-School Time Network
- Jennifer Freeburg, Sr. Vice President NW-Girl Program, Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
- Carolyn Freeman, Director of Programs and Volunteers, New Orleans Outreach
- Andrew Freeman, Director of Communications and Special Projects, Young Audiences of Louisiana
- Martin Friedman, Executive Director, EducationWorks
- Janet Frieling Schmidt, Network Director, School's Out Washington
- Jennifer Fries, Executive Director, Cambridge School Volunteers
- Ashlee Fye, Program Coordinator, AmeriCorps Victim Assistance Program (AVAP) Afterschool AmeriCorps
- David Gagne, Volunteer, Urban Boatbuilders
- Deanna Gall, 4-H Advisor, Extension
- Roger Gallmore, CEO, YMCA of Rapid City
- Gina Gallo, Youth Success Manager, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County
- Frances Gallo, Superintendent, Central Falls School District
- Anjali Gallup-Diaz, Director, School Age Programs, Parent Infant Center
- Amelia Gandara, Associate Director for Educational Support, Youth Development Inc
- Ellen Gannett, Director, National Institute on Out-of-School Time
- Tim Garvin, President and CEO, United Way of Central Massachusetts
- Pete Garza, Cycle 5 Project Director, Harris County Department of Education CASE Program
- Diane Genco, Executive Director, New Jersey School-Age Care Coalition
- Pierre Geurts, AE, AWE
- Deepmalya Ghosh, Director of Youth Development Programs, The Child Center of NY
- Andi Gilbertson, Youth Enrichment Coordinator, Turner Recreation Commission
- Thomas Gilleland, Mentor Support Specialist, Citizens for Safe Schools
- Kathy Gillikin, Quality Child Care Program Manager, Virginia Department of Social Services
- Susan Gimilaro, Project Director, BOOST New Hampshire
- Christine Gingerella, District Director of Expanded Learning Opportunities, Central Falls School District
- Deborah Gist, Commissioner, Rhode Island Department of Education
- Charlene Gladney, Executive Director, Operation Xcel
- Jamila Godfrey, Community Outreach Coordinator, Currituck Family YMCA
- Karen Godfrey, Vice President, Kansas NEA
- Dara Goldberg, Community Engagement Coordinator, The SEED School of Maryland
- Maryetta Golden, Project Specialist, California After School Resource Center
- Joshua Gonzales, Executive Director, Camp Fire USA
- John Gonzalez, Senior Vice President of Operations, Boys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia
- Stephanie Gonzalez, Trustee, Central Falls School District
- Tyra Good, President and CEO, Good Knowledge Connections, LLC
- Suzanne Goodwin, ExecutiveDirector, Citizen Schools
- Sheila Gothmann, Finance and Operations Director, Youthprise
- Amy Grack Nelson, Evaluation & Research Associate, Science Museum of Minnesota
- Ted Granger, President, United Way of Florida
- Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance
- Constance Grayson, Site Coordinator, 21st Century Community Learning Center Afterschool Program
- Rachel Green, Assistant Program Director for High Schools, Boston Public Schools - Department of Extended Learning Time Afterschool and Services
- Adam Greenman, Executive Director, Rhode Island Afterschool Plus Alliance
- Tammy Greer, Director of Development & Marketing, Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc.
- Mary Grey, Supervisor of Child Care Educational Programs, District School Board of Pasco County
- Tedi Grey Owl, Technology Instructor, MIGIZI Communications, Inc.
- Tosca Grimm, Executive Director, Our Space LLC
- Cori Groth, Associate Director, Utah Education Policy Center, University of Utah
- Lisa Grundstrom, Director of Programs and Partnerships, Bloomington Public Schools
- John Guertin, Youth Programs Manager, Neighborhood House
- Steven Gustafson, Director of Development, Phyllis Wheatley Community Center
- Vlad Gutkovich, Vice President of Sales, Flocabulary
- Jay Haapala, Volunteer Services Manager, Minnesota Children's Museum
- Robert Hackett, President, Bonner Foundation
- David Hagedorn, Grade 4 Educator, Wausau School District
- Heidi Ham, Manager of Education Quality and Training, Champions (Maryland)
- Susan Hamann, President-Elect, Oregon PTA
- Erica Hamilton, Chief Program Officer, iMentor
- Linda Hamilton, Sr. Director, Council Effectiveness, Camp Fire
- Lindsay Hamm, Programs Manager, Partnership for Youth Development
- Laura Hansen, Director of Information Management and Decision Support, Metro Nashville Public Schools
- Kathie Hardy, Grants & Operations Manager, South Carolina Afterschool Alliance
- Kimberly Harnish, Manager, Youth & Family Services, Girls Incorporated of Orange County
- Jennifer Harris, School Age Special Projects Coordinator, Arkansas State University Childhood Services
- Erin Harris, Senior Research Analyst, Harvard Family Research Project
- Diane Harrop, Owner, Consultant, What's Next? Consulting
- Suzette Harvey, Executive Director, Prime Time Palm Beach County
- Janice Hastings, Leadership Team Member, New Hampshire Afterschool Network
- Lynn Heemstra, Executive Director, Our Community's Children
- Patricia Heilbron, Program Director, Case Western Reserve Univsersity
- Sheri Hemby, Director of Program Services, Camp Fire Lone Star
- Michael Hemphill, Assistant Professor, College of Charleston
- Colnese Hendon, Development Manager, Sabathani Community Center
- Pat Hennessey
- Lynelle Henricksen, Director of Child Care Services, YMCA
- Dana Hepper, Advocacy Director, Stand for Children
- Angela Herbert, Executive Director, New Orleans Outreach
- Joe Herrity, Owner/Trainer/Consultant, Preferred Visions
- Lauren Hesse, Coordinator, L.E.A.F.
- Dr. Lupita Hightower, Superintendent, Tolleson Elementary School District
- David Hilliard, CEO/President, Wyman
- Tracie Hines, Director of Foundation Relations, Raw Art Works, Inc.
- Michael Hinton, Club Advisor, 4H
- Jim Holbeck, Superintendent, Harrisburg Public Schools
- Christian Holland, Program Director, Episcopal Community Service
- Ashley Hooper, Healthy Out-of-School Time Manager, Alliance for a Healthier Generation
- Anore Horton, Child Nutrition Advocacy Manager, Hunger Free Vermont
- Malia Howell, Research Analyst, System Wide Solutions
- Kathy Hrabluk, Associate Superintendent, Arizona Department of Education
- Jerry Hromatka, President, Northwest Youth & Family Services
- Carolyn Hudman, Interim Director, Kentucky Out-of-School Alliance
- Patrina Huff, Research Associate, Youth Studies, Inc.
- Gary Huggins, CEO, National Summer Learning Association
- Dale Hulme, Executive Director, New Directions Youth Ministry
- Brandy Huntington, Out of School Time Specialist, Utah Afterschool Network
- Cheryl Hurley, Program Administrator, Saints Tabernacle OST Program
- Diana Hurst, Associate Professor, Johnson County Community College
- Wilma Hutcheson-Williams, Assistant Professor, Piedmont College
- Anna Hutton, Research, Writing and Data Manager, YMCA of Central Maryland
- Allegra Inganni, Program Director, Child Educational Center
- Joy Jackson, Youth Development Manager, City of Hampton
- Dominique James, Director, Catholic Social Services
- Keli James, School Counseling Graduate Student, Mercer University
- Barry Jankord, Principal, Meadowlark Elementary
- Sarah Jankowski, Development Officer, BELL: Building Educated Leaders for Life
- Diane Janukajtis, Program Director, Caledonia North Kingdom Afterschool Programs
- Donna Jasak, Consultant, Afterschool Experts
- Claudia Jasin, Executive Director, Jamestown Community Center
- Laila Jenkins-Perez, Associate Director, Oakland Leaf
- Kristeen Jennings, Administrative Director, Salem-Keizer Education Foundation
- Linda Jennings, Coordinator/Evaluator, Campbell County 21CCLC Project
- Michelle Jensen, Project Director, Springfield Public Schools
- Eric Jensen, Director of Youth Engagement, Partnership for Youth Development
- Susan Jenson, Executive Director, Downtown Aurora Visual Arts
- Elaine Johannes, Associate Professor and Ext. Specialist, Kansas State University
- Lea Ann Johnson, Coordinator, Lincoln Public Schools
- Debra Johnson, AmeriCorps Vista, Arkansas 4-H Afterschool
- Karla Johnson, Director of Childcare Services, YWCA
- Guy Johnson, Principal, West Central Middle School
- Larry Johnson, President, Nebraska Trucking Association
- Cee Jai Jones, Director of Community Outreach & Programs, Atlanta Youth Tennis & Education Foundation
- Betty Jones, Executive Director, MACH Academy, Inc.
- Sara Jones, Director of Community Wellness, YMCA of Boynton Beach
- Tenisha Jones, Director of Education, Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corp
- Mary Joseph, Executive Director, Children's Defense Fund- Louisiana
- Brian Joyce, Family Services Program Director, American Indian Family Center
- Lesli Jutting, Superintendent, Watertown School District
- Laura Kaiser, Family Engagement Chairman, Kansas PTA
- Phyllis Kalifeh, President & CEO, Children's Forum, Inc.
- Heidi Kaufman, Executive Director of Education, MetroWest YMCA
- Rebecca Kelley, Group Vice President, YMCA of Greater Cincinnati
- Sybil Kelley, Assistant Professor, Portland State University
- Kim Kelling, Director of Community Engagement, WFSU
- J.C. Kennedy, Parks, Recreation & Community Services Director, City of Airway Heights
- Margaret Kennedy, Early Intervention Specialist, Newtown Public Schools
- Will Kennedy, Advisor, Clay County 4-H
- Chris Kimes, Director/Lead, West Virginia Statewide Afterschool Network
- Kathy King, Director, Lincoln Trail 4-C, Community Coordinated Child Care (4-C)
- Sakina King, Administrative Director, The Center: A Drop In Community Learning & Resource Center
- Ryan Kirk, Executive Director, Kaleidoscope Place
- Sonny Kirkley, CEO, WisdomTools
- Deborah Kneeland, Executive Director, For Kids Only Afterschool
- Jamie Knowles-Griffiths, Director, North Carolina Center for Afterschool Programs
- Dre Knox, SEA Coordinator 21stCCLC, Indiana Department of Education
- Stan Kocos, Extended Learning Coordinator, Green Bay Area Public School District
- Kristin Koenigsfest, Educational Services Manager, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Children International
- Laurie Koniarski, Secretary, District 69 PTO
- Robert Kordenbrock, Red Oak After School Program Director, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center
- Sarah Koschinska, Director of Self-Sufficiency and Youth Development Programs, Project for Pride in Living (PPL)
- Kristine Kosek, Associate Manager, Best Buy Children's Foundation
- Ed Kosiur, Director, Schenectady County Youth Bureau
- Jane Krentz, Director, McVay Youth Partnership, Hamline University
- Katie Kross, Project Coordinator, Georgia Afterschool Investment Council
- Michael Kubiak, Director of Research & Evaluation, Citizen Schools
- Amanda Kucich, Senior Director, Youth Development, United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
- Caroline Kueneman, Retired, Advocate
- Harry Kujath, Retired
- Alana Kulesa, Coordinator of Strategic Initiatives, 3 Rivers Connect
- Prudhvi Kumar, Finance in Project, AIMS
- Beth-Marie Kurtz, Assistant Recreation Supervisor, Milwaukee Public Schools
- Vincent LaFontan, Director, Farmington Extended Care & Learning
- Kyle Lahm, Coordinator, Mayor's Office on Education, Youth and Family, City of North Charleston
- Bridget Laird, CEO, WINGS for kids
- Marybeth Laisure, Child Nutrition Program Coordinator, Center for Civil Justice
- Steve Lamb, Board Development Specialist, Oregon School Boards Association
- Jana Lanning, Outreach Coordinator, SEEDS
- Marcia Laprath, Combination Teacher, Headstart
- Tracey Lay, Director, School Age Programs & Development Services, Education Connection
- Krina Lemons, Executive Director, Salem-Keizer Education Foundation
- Caterina Leone Mannino, Director of Expanded Learning, Rochester City School District
- Julie Lesitsky, President, Pennsylvania PTA
- Shelley Lester, Enrichment coordinator, Spencer-Van Central School District
- Katie Levedahl, Director, Out of School Time, California Academy of Sciences
- Hannah Lieder, Executive Director, Minneapolis Swims
- Lani Lingo, Director, Florida Department of Education
- Marquita Little, Asst. Director of Policy and Planning, Arkansas Department of Human Services
- Reinaldo Llano, Director, Corporate Community Relations, Bright House Networks
- Robin Lloyd, Executive Director, Markham Children's Care Association
- Judyt Long, Citizens of the Court Coordinator, Fred Wells Tennis & Education Center
- Fausto Lopez, Afterschool and Expanded Learning, Consultant, American Instittute for Research
- Ursula Loret de Mola, Program Manager, Metropolitan Family Service
- Belinda Lowe-Schmahl, Executive Director, Schmahl Science Workshops
- Richard Lower, Supervisor, Department of Education, State of Michigan
- Pat Lucas, Executive Assistant, Corbett Schools
- Lisa Lucheta, Principal, Torani
- Craig Luedemann, Executive Director, YouthCARE
- Patricia Lull, Executive Director, Saint Paul Area Council of Churches
- Randy Macdonald, Instructor, Roseway Heights SUNCS
- Britt Magneson, Assistant Superintendent, East Allen County School
- Britt Magneson, Manager, Invent Now
- Katie Magrane, Executive Director, Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership
- Toral Maher, Grants Coordinator, Liberty Bank Foundation
- Sandra Mahoney, Vice President, United Way of Long Island
- K Maier, Early Education and Child Care, Catholic Health Services
- Dave Malcolm, Principal, Taft Elementary School
- Chelsie Mann, Director of Pulic Policy and STEM, Indiana Afterschool Network
- Ben Manny, Chair, Outside School Time workgroup, Oregon University System
- Sara Marcum, Parent Engagement/Education Coordinator, Phoenix Elementary School District
- Tammy Marino, Educational consultant, Phoenix Solutions
- Joan Martay, Consultant, Maine's 21st CCLC
- Arlene Martin, Executive Director, Professional Impact New Jersey
- Malissa Martin, President, Communities in Schools of Kansas
- Mary Masla, Sustainability Coordinator, OregonASK, AmeriCorps VISTA
- Kristina Mason, Senior Director of Training, YMCA of Greater Kansas City
- Deonna Mathis, Coordinator, Wallace Foundation Grant, Duval County Public Schools
- Arlene Matlock, Executive Board Member, Nevada Afterschool Network
- Ken May, Executive Director, South Carolina Arts Commission
- Shawna McBride, Associate Director, Wyoming NASA Space Grant, University of Wyoming
- Cheryl McCabe-Stroman, Director, Wordsworth
- Erica McCleskey, Director, BOOST
- Anne McCormick, Executive Director, Boys & Girls Clubs of Martin County
- Janice McDonnell, Science Agent, Rutgers University
- Carol McElvain, Director, Expanded Learning & Afterschool, American Institutes for Research
- Cassie McFarland, Executive Assistant, Salem Keizer Education Foundation
- Martha McKnight, Director, Foundation for Science and Mathematics Education
- Megan McLain, Projects Coordinator, Partnership for Youth Development
- Mike McLaran, President, McLaran Enterprises
- Brenda McLaughlin, Consultant, Brenda McLaughlin Consulting
- Pamela McMindes, Executive Director, Dial A Teacher
- Wanda Mears, Director Curriculum and Instruction, Alliance for Creative Thinking
- Antonio Medina, Director of Business Development, Rio Grande Educational Collaborative
- Jo Mestelle, Community School Coordinator, John Muir Elementary School
- Mary Mettenbrink, Executive Director, Houston Arts Partners
- Kimberly Meyer, Director of Community Based Programming, Southern District YMCA
- Kara Milbrandt, Youth Services Specialist, Coordinated Child Care
- John Miles, Chief Executive Officer, Joy Corporation of Baton Rouge
- Jeanne Miller, Director of Carbon & Schuylkill Education Services & SHINE Afterschool, Lehigh Carbon Community College
- Julie Miller, Executive Director, Columbia County Community Connections
- Thomas Miller, Associate Director, Fred Wells Tennis & Education Center
- Robert Mitchell, Principal, Chariho Regional High School
- Ellie Mitchell, Director, Maryland Out of School Time Network
- Janet Mockovciak, Board Chair, Dallas AfterSchool Network
- Cheryl Moeller, Executive Director, High Tech Kids
- W.J. Monagle, Executive Director, Little Rock Workforce Investment Board
- Kaneesha Moore, Program Director, Catholic Social Services
- Nadia Moore, Director of Out of School Time Initiatives, Say Yes to Education - Buffalo
- Holly Morehouse, Director, Vermont Center for Afterschool Excellence
- Paul Mosca, CPO, Boys & Girls Clubs of Bay County
- Julie Murphy, Director of Family & Youth Services, West 7th Community Center
- Sharon Myers, Executive Director, Children of Promise Multipurpose Development Center
- Vince Naccarato, Principal, Unified School District 309
- Amy Nakamoto, Executive Director, DC SCORES
- Judy Nee, Executive Vice President, AlphaBEST Education, inc.
- Kathy Nelson, Administrator, City of Aurora
- Katherine Neufeld, Director, Danforth & Associates
- Randy Neve, WAN Network Lead, Marshfield Clinic
- Becky Nevergold, Executive Director, Communities In Schools
- Alyse Nevil, Development Associate, Open Doors, Inc. (Open Doors Academy)
- Jessy Newman, Research Associate, American Institutes for Research
- Mary Syfax Noble, Education Consultant, Nobleworks Consulting
- Liz Nusken, Director, Ohio Afterschool Network
- Maureen O'Brien, Board Member, Nevada Afterschool Network
- Jane O'Brien, Former Coordinator Summer Learning, Oakland Unified
- Joan O'Donnell, Executive Director, CASTLE
- Arthur O'Hara, Executive Director, R' Club Child Care, Inc.
- Kara O'Neil, AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer, United Way of Buffalo and Erie County
- Maura O'Neill, Program Director, New Morning Schools
- Cheryl Oakman, Director, Center for Youth Development, United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania
- Chris Ohland, Director of Communication, Youth Express
- Matt Ohman, Contract Coordinator, Siouxland Human Investment Partnership (SHIP)
- Dave Olsen, Executive Director, Wyoming Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals
- Gayle Orange, Executive Director, Camp Fire USA West Michigan Council
- Evelyn Ortiz, Administrator Assistant, YMCA of Passaic-Clifton
- Maricelis Ortiz, Youth Services Director, YWCA Greater Lawrence
- Jo Oshiro, Program Coordinator, Oregon Pre-Engineering & Applied Sciences Initiative
- Elizabeth Partoyan, Vice President, Collaborative Communications Group
- Daphney Partridge, Community Resource Director, PAVE AmeriCorps/Eldon School District
- Bob Payne, Manager, Expanded Learning, Partnership for Youth Development
- Tyler Pearson, Student (Intern), Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University Community Campus Partnership
- Jennifer Peck, Executive Director, Partnership for Children and Youth
- K.P. Pelleran, State Director, Fight Crime: Invest in Kids
- Angel Peluso, Youth Programs Coordinator, Brian Coyle Center, Pillsbury United Communities
- Norman Penner, Executive Director, Boys & Girls Club of St. Lucie County
- Michelle Perrenoud, Project Coordinator, Los Angeles County Office Of Education
- Deandra Perruccio, Program Assistant, New Hampshire Afterschool Network
- Erik Peterson, Policy Director, Afterschool Alliance
- Karen Peterson, Principal Investigator, National Girls Collaborative Project
- Margaret Peterson, Executive Director, Community Education Partnership
- Terry Peterson, Chief Counselor to U.S. Secretary of Education, 1993-2001, College of Charleston
- Marika Pfefferkorn, Principal Consultant, 42 Consulting
- Yana Pichardo, Administrative Coordinator, Salem-Keizer Education Foundation
- Kitty Piercy, Mayor, City of Eugene
- MaryBeth Pinard-Brace, Family Engagement Specialist, Vermont Family Network/PIRC VT
- Janice Pinnington, Owner, Healthy Hands Cooking
- Larry Pintacuda, Chief Executive Officer, Florida Afterschool Network
- Karen Pittman, CEO, The Forum for Youth Investment
- Mandee Polonsky, Education Director, Right At School
- Delia Pompa, Vice President, National Council of La Raza
- Tony Poti, Executive Director, Boys & Girls Club of Webster - Dudley
- Poppy Potter, Director of Operations, Voyageur Outward Bound - Twin Cities Center
- Katie Pouga Tinhaga, Community School Coordinator, Kent School Services Network
- Pamela Prevost, Youth Development Consultant, Maine Roads to Quality
- William Primmerman, Project Director, Greater Somerset Public Health Collaborative
- Robin Puchala, Resource Specialist, O.I.C.
- Gini Pupo-Walker, Director of Family and Community Partnerhsips, Metro Nashville Public Schools
- Jennifer Puthoff, Director of Out of School Time Programs, YMCA of Silicon Valley
- Jane Quinn, Vice President for Community Schools, The Children's Aid Society
- Dawn Rannie-White, Out of School Time Coordinator, East Brunswick Public Schools
- Ernest Rasmussen, GED Instructor, Spokane Tribe TANF/477
- Vicky Raya, Diversity Program Manager, EdLab Group
- Robyn Reagan, Director of Community Schools, Los Angeles Education Partnership
- Janet Rechtman, Senior Fellow, Fanning Institute - UGA
- Mary Reece, Director of Special Projects, NJ Principals & Supervisors Association
- Brenda Rehnke, Recreation Manager, City of Peoria
- Lisa Rice, Director of Educational Services, Pathways, Inc.
- Michelle Rich, Network Coordinator, Iowa Afterschool Alliance
- Cindy Richards, Associate Director of Community & Donor Engagement, United Way of York County
- Jenne Richardson, AmeriCorps Vista, Arkansas 4-H Afterschool
- Jill Riemer, Executive Director, Georgia Afterschool Investment Council
- Josephine Rivers, Art Instructor, Fitchburg Public Schools
- Anjanette Robertson, Vice President of Youth and Family Education, Godman Guild Association
- Linda Robinson, 21st CCLC Consultant, Kentucky Department of Education
- Begona Rodriguez
- Jessica Roelofs, Youth Programs Coordinator, Intermedia Arts
- Rhonda Rogers, Director, Prime Time Palm Beach County
- Jeanie Rohrbacker, After School Coordinator, Chavez Elementary
- Quinton Roman Nose, Executive Director, TEDNA
- Andria Romero-Ozment, Coordinator, LCPS
- Don Romoser, President-Elect, Connecticut PTSA
- Michelle Rosa, Grants Manager, New York City Department of Education
- Bonnie Rosenberg, Senior Program Officer, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
- Wendy Ross, State Manager School Age Care Services, Queensland Police Citizens Youth Welfare Association
- Vincent Rossmeier, Policy Manager, Partnership for Youth Development
- Rebekah Roulier, General Manager, Doc Wayne Youth Services, Inc.
- Denise Rowson, Elementary Program Specialist, Community Education-Durham Public Schools
- Kerry-Ann Royes, Executive Director, YMCA
- Zena Rudo, Project Director, SEDL
- Barbara Russ, 21st CCLC Program Director, Winooski School District
- Lou Ann Russell, Executive Director, A+ Learning Center
- Jessie Rymph, Web Communications Specialist, School's Out Washington
- Rebecca Saito, Sr. Research Associate, Extension Center for Youth Development
- Anton Salome, Associate Superintendent, Socorro Consolidated
- Karen Salvatore, Founder, Food And Truth - Fit2cook4Kids
- Alfred Sanchez, President and CEO, YMCA of Greater Miami
- Michelle Sandrock, Parent Engagement Program Manager, Georgia Department of Education
- Ann Sasich, Consultant, Utah Afterschool Network
- Mark Saul, Director, Center for Mathematical Talent - Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (NYU)
- Robin Schamber, 4H/Youth Development Educator, Extension 4-H and Youth Development, University of Wyoming
- Audra Scheel, 4-H Program Advisor, 4-H
- Morton Schomer, Building a Better Mind
- Janet Schmidt, Network Director, Washington Afterschool Network, School's Out Washington
- Stephanie Schneider, Administrator, Orange County Dept. of Education
- Brent Schondelmeyer, Communications Director, Local Investment Commission
- Melanie Schulz, Executive Director, Joint Committee on the Public Schools
- Diane Schwartz, Executive Director, Get Kids Outside
- Abbey Scott, CPO, BBBS NWWY
- Pastor Ken Scrubbs, The Matthew Project, 21st Century Learning Initiative
- Patricia Scruggs, Child Care Stars Director, Boys and Girls Clubs of DE
- Amy Sebern, Program Director/Teacher, Club E
- Anneli Segura, Director, Utah Afterschool Network
- Bob Seidel, Senior Policy Director, National Summer Learning Association
- Stu Semigran, Co-Founder, President, EduCare Foundation
- Joanne Sevick, Director, St. Lawrence County Youth Bureau
- Dara Shackelford, Director, Louisiana Center for Afterschool Learning
- Tom Sheaffer, Deputy Managing Director, City of Philadelphia
- Goodrick Shannon, Executive Director, Fallon Youth Club
- David Shapiro, CEO, MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership
- Meeta Sharma-Holt, Director of Programs, The Fishing School
- Jane Sharp, Consultant, Sharp Ideas LLC
- Kate Shatzkin, Vice President, Marketing and Communications, National Summer Learning Association
- Brian Sheafer, Vice President of Children's Services, YMCA of Greater Miami
- Caryn Shelp, Supervisor, Out of School Time Programs, Coordinated Child Care of Pinellas, Inc.
- Leslie Shields, Community Tennis Director, Savannah Area Tennis Association
- Joyce Shortt, Consultant, shortt Associates
- Carrie Showalter-Allen, Director of Curriculum Development, Central Florida YMCA
- Jessica Showen, Community Learning Center Coordinator, NOW School District
- Kevin Sibley, Chairman, Kappa Leadership Institute - Kappa League Boston
- Sasha Sidorkin, Dean, Feinsten School of Education, Rhode Island College
- Marta Sierra, Chief Programs Officer, ASPIRA, Inc.
- Michael Sikora, Director of Communication, BELL
- Maryanne Simonitsch, Proposal Writer, Self-Employed
- Tom Slater, CEO, State Public Policy Group (SPPG)
- Darrin Sluga, Community Development Director, Salt Lake Valley Health Department
- Mary Margaret Small, Office of Educational Partnerships, Clarkson University
- Toni Smith, Executive Director, In Reach, Inc.
- Chris Smith, Executive Director, Boston After School & Beyond
- Jeff Smith, Superintendent, Balsz School District
- Kathy Smith, After School Programs Director, Communities In Schools Brunswick County
- Lorna Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Horizons National
- Martin Smith, Research Coordintaor/Librarian, RedSeven/ABOTA
- Lynn Sobolov, Program Manager, Montgomery County Collaboration Council
- Mary Solheim, Director, Skills For Life, Inc.
- Kristine Sorensen, Executive Director, In Progress
- Cassie Sorensen, Site Manager, SUN School
- Leslie Spears, Director, 21st Century Community Learning Center, Paris Independent Schools
- Stu Spence, Recreation Services Manager, Woodburn Recreation & Parks
- Teela Spiller, Executive Director, teelaspillerinc.
- Terry Spurlock, Director, Boyd County 21st Century Community Learning Centers
- Serge St. Leger, Jr., Senior Director of Youth Development Partnerships, New York City Department of Education
- Chris Stacy, Council Member, Georgia Coastal Youth Inc.
- Tony Stahl, Director, Community Schools, Sycamore Schools
- Faith Stamps, Project Directo, NoBell Initiative
- Lynn Stanley, Network Lead, New Hampshire Afterschool Network
- Greg Stanton, Mayor, City of Phoenix
- Ronnie Steine, Councilman At-large, Metro Nashville Council
- Cathy Stevens, Program Director, The Richard Riley Institute
- Anne Stevenson, Extension Educator and Professor, Extension Center for Youth Development, University of Minnesota
- Shelley Stocker, Director of Operations, Partnership for Youth Development
- Jennifer Stockwell, Development Director, National Youth Leadership Council
- K. Stofer, Research Assistant/PhD Candidate, Oregon State University
- Leslie Stonehocker, Child Care Consultant Coordinator, Child Care Resource and Referral
- Amy Stoner, Director, Catholic Social Services
- Dr. Alan Storm, Superintendent/CEO, Pima County Joint Technical Education District
- Mark Sturgis, Executive Director Strive Mid-South, United Way
- Charmaine Sudler Milligan, Director of Grants Management and Community Development, To Our Children's Future With Health, Inc.
- Betty Sugerman Weintraub, Associate Director, Liberty Bank Foundation
- Jeff Sunshine, Program Officer, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Pam Suprenant, Associate Executive Director, YMCA of Central Massachusetts
- Amanda Sutter, Program Associate, David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality
- Mary Sutton, Executive Director, Michigan After-School Partnership
- Bricca Sweet, Director, Family Development Division, Statesville Housing Authority
- Sharon Tabor, District Afterschool Program Coordinator, Eugene School District
- Richard Tagle, CEO, Higher Achievement
- Keli Tallman, State 4-H Youth Development Specialist, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 4-H Youth Development
- Jack Tamble, Director, Community Education, Minneapolis Public Schools
- Claiborne Taylor, Director, Center for Afterschool and Expanded Learning, Foundations, Inc.
- Krisann Taylor, 21st CCLC Grant Coordinator, R.S. Payne Elementary School
- Matt Tebbetts, Vice President, Greenville Federal Credit Union
- Lisa Teer, Program Director, Louisiana Delta Service Corps
- Cass Templeton, Executive Director, Community After-School Program (CAP)
- Teri Teutsch, Board Chair, Nebraska Children and Families Foundation
- Michael Thaler, Program Manager, 21st CCLC, Georgia Department of Education
- Sue Theissen, CEO, Mad Science of Portland & Vancouver
- Amanda Thomas, Director of Education Policy, School's Out Washington
- Tiffany Thomas, Staff Associate, Baltimore City School District
- Barbara Thompson, Social Worker, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton Rouge
- Cathy Tisdale, President & CEO, Camp Fire USA
- Jeff Tollefson, Executive Director, Genesys Works
- Jane Townsend, Managing Director of Development and External Relations, Project SUCCESS
- Danette Townsend, Program Director, Elev8 NM
- Lisa Trauernicht, Volunteer, Salem Keizer Education Foundation
- Rich Tulikangas, Executive Director, Linking Learning to Life
- Judy Turner, Office Manager, Kentucky Out-of-School Alliance
- Karen Tylek, Project Based Learning Coordinator, Public Health Management Corporation
- Andrew Ulven, Community Mapping and Outreach Corpsmember, Project Get Outdoors
- Beth Unverzagt, Director, OregonASK
- Amy Upton, Director, East Side Learning Center
- Dirk Van Curan, Technology Support Leader, MSAD#51
- Joan Vanden Berg, Youth & Family Development Coordinator, Iowa City Community School District
- Eva Vander Giessen, Development Programs Manager, Edventure More
- Bolgen Vargas, School Superintendent, Rochester City School District
- Carmen Vega-Rivera, Founder/CEO, Atabey Collaborative
- Ginger Vickstrom, Director, Branford SACC
- Helen Visarraga, Executive Director, Oregon Child Care Resource & Referral Network
- Christopher Volker, CPO, Boys & Girls Club of Vineland
- Brad von Bank, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Reve Academy
- Pamela Wall, President, Quota International of Baton Rouge
- Allison Wallace, Executive Director, Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Assn.
- Meg Wallace, Program Specialist, Children's Services Council of Broward County
- Tara Ward, Education Coordinator and Local Evaluator, SEEDS
- Rachel Ward, After School Program Director, Community Development for All People
- Gina Warner, Executive Director, National AfterSchool Association
- Carolyn Warner, Founder, Corporate/Education Consulting, Inc.
- Merl Waschler, CEO, Valley of the Sun United Way
- Pamela Watkins, Vice President, Youth Development Services, YMCA of Greater Kansas City
- Nyeema Watson, Administrative Director, Rutgers University Center for Children and Childhood Studies
- Zelda Waymer, Executive Director/Network Lead, South Carolina Afterschool Alliance
- Billy Wayne, Executive Director, Urban Support Agency, Inc.
- Victoria Wegener, Partner, Mainspring Consulting
- Maddy Wegner, Consultant, youthrive
- Jordan Weisman, Director of Clinical Services, Philadelphia Mental Health Center
- Richard Wells, Manager, nFocus Solutions
- Lisa West, Child Nutrition Outreach Coordinator, NJSACC
- Richard West, CEO, YMCA of Northern Utah
- Karen West, Special Projects Curriculum Supervisor, Corbin Independent Schools
- Jessica Wheeler, Coordinator, YMCA
- David Wheeler, Principal, Southeastern Regional Technical High School
- Connie Whitfield, Study Circles Coordinator, Arkanas School Boards Association
- Altarik White, Founder, Leaders for Life, Inc.
- Quinn Wilder, Outreach Specialist, Youth Work Learning Center
- Shani Wilkes, Senior Research Analyst, Harvard Family Research Project
- Margot Willett, Executive Director, Fred Wells Tennis & Education Center
- Mark Williams, School Board President, Austin ISD
- Craig Williams, Board Chair, Wyoming Afterschool Alliance
- Janice Williams, Senior Vice President of Program Development, YMCA of Metropolitan Washington
- Kanisha Williams-Jones, Director, Educational Services, National School Boards Association
- Laveta Wills-Hale, Network Coordinator, The Arkansas Out of School Network
- Sharon Wilson, Executive Dirctor, LEARN Resource Center
- Emily Wingfield, Executive Director, Breakthrough Saint Paul
- Molly Wofford, Executive Director, Texas Partnership for Out of School Time (TXPOST)
- Nancy Wolfe, Administrator, St. Phillips After School Program
- Cherie Wood, Mayor, City of South Salt Lake
- Roderick Woodruff, Director Instructional Programs, Urban Video Game Academy - Smartwheels
- Terri Woolfolk, Director, Boys & Girls Clubs of America
- Darlene Worth Worth, Executive Director, Champlain Valley Educator Development Center
- Leslie Wright, Vice President of Community Building, United Way of East Central Iowa
- Vern Xiong, Program Manager, Lao Family Community of Minnesota, Inc.
- James Yake, Coordinator of Expanded Learning, Genesee Intermediate School
- Adam Yockey, Zone Director, NAZA
- Nicole Yohalem, Director, Special Projects, Forum for Youth Investment
- Mary Zastrow, Director, Long Prairie-Grey Eagle School District
- Debbie Zipes, Executive Director, Indiana Afterschool Network
- 21st Century Community Learning Center Afterschool Program, Massachusetts
- 21st Century Community Learning Center, Paris Independent Schools, Kentucky
- 21st Century Learning Initiative, Florida
- 3 Rivers Connect, Pennsylvania
- 4-H, South Dakota
- A+ Education Partnership, Alabama
- A+ Learning Center, Nevada
- ACES, Minnesota
- ACT Now Coalition, Illinois
- After-School All-Stars Hawaii, Hawaii
- Afterschool Alliance, District of Columbia
- Afterschool Experts, Massachusetts
- Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University Community Campus Partnership, Alabama
- Alexander Educational Services, Tennessee
- Alliance for Creative Thinking, North Carolina
- Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Louisiana
- AlphaBEST Education, inc., Florida
- American Indian Family Center, Minnesota
- American Youth Policy Forum, District of Columbia
- Amesbury Academy Public Charter School, Massachusetts
- Angels In Training Child Development Center, Louisiana
- Arizona 4-H Youth Development, Arizona
- Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence, Arizona
- Arkadelphia Public School District, Arkansas
- Arkansas Support Network, Arkansas
- Atabey Collaborative, New York
- Atlanta Youth Tennis & Education Foundation, Georgia
- Austin Film Society, Texas
- Bastrop ISD, Texas
- BELL, Massachusetts
- Belle Fourche Area Community Center, South Dakota
- Bennion Learning Center, Utah
- Best Buy Children's Foundation, Minnesota
- BHK Child Development Board, Michigan
- BitsBytes&Bots, Tennessee
- Bolder Options, Minnesota
- BOOST, South Carolina
- BOOST New Hampshire, New Hampshire
- Boston After School & Beyond, Massachusetts
- Boston Area Health Education Center, Massachusetts
- BOSTnet, Massachusetts
- Boys & Girls Club of Clark County, Arkansas
- Boys & Girls Club of Garfield, New Jersey
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Martin County, Florida
- Boys & Girls Club of St. Lucie County, Florida
- Boys & Girls Club of Vineland, New Jersey
- Boys & Girls Club of Webster - Dudley, Massachusetts
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Bay County, Florida
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake, Utah
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Newark, New Jersey, New Jersey
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Brack Consulting, California
- Branford SACC, Connecticut
- Breakthrough Saint Paul, Minnesota
- Brian Coyle Center, Pillsbury United Communities, Minnesota
- Bright House Networks, Florida
- Building a Better Mind, Florida
- Burroughs Wellcome Fund, North Carolina
- C. Waldo Scott Center for H.O.P.E., Virginia
- Caledonia North Kingdom Afterschool Programs, Vermont
- California After School Resource Center, California
- California Afterschool Network, California
- Cambridge School Volunteers, Massachusetts
- Camp Fire USA, Missouri
- Camp Fire USA Minnesota Council, Minnesota
- Camp Fire USA West Michigan Council, Michigan
- CANFIT, California
- CASTLE, Connecticut
- Catholic Health Services, Florida
- Catholic Social Services, Pennsylvania
- Center for Academics and Sports, University of Saint Thomas, Minnesota
- Center for Assessment, Strategic Planning, Evaluation and Research, Florida
- Center for Collaborative Solutions, California
- Center for Democracy and Citizenship, Augsburg College, Minnesota
- The Center: A Drop In Community Learning & Resource Center, Connecticut
- Center for Mathematical Talent - Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (NYU), New York
- Center for Schools and Communities, Pennsylvania
- Central Falls High School, Rhode Island
- Central Falls School District, Rhode Island
- Centro Guadalupano, Minnesota
- Champions (California), California
- Champions (Colorado), Colorado
- Champions (DC), District of Columbia
- Champions (Illinois), Illinois
- Champions (Maryland), Maryland
- Champions (New Jersey), New Jersey
- Champions (Ohio), Ohio
- Champions (Oregon), Oregon
- Champions (Texas), Texas
- Champions (Virginia), Virginia
- Champions (Washington), Washington
- Champlain Valley Educator Development Center, Vermont
- Charleston County Schools, South Carolina
- Child Care Resource and Referral, Utah
- Child Care Services Association (CCSA), North Carolina
- The Child Center of NY, New York
- Child Educational Center, California
- Children of Promise Multipurpose Development Center, Pennsylvania
- Children's Board of Hillsborough County, Florida
- Children's Defense Fund- Louisiana, Louisiana
- Children's Forum, Inc., Florida
- Children's Services Council of Broward County, Florida
- Chiloquin Learns After School, Oregon
- CincyAfterSchool, Ohio
- Citizen Schools, New Mexico
- City of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota
- City of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
- City of Fort Worth, Texas
- City of Little Rock, Department of Community Programs, Arkansas
- City of Port Orford, Oregon
- City of South Salt Lake, Utah
- City of Tampa Florida, Florida
- Classroom Aid, Inc., Texas
- Coalition for Community Schools, District of Columbia
- Collaborative Communications Group, District of Columbia
- CollaborNation, New York
- Collective for Youth, Nebraska
- College of Charleston, South Carolina
- Columbia County Community Connections, Georgia
- Common Sense Media, California
- Communities in Schools of Florida, Florida
- Communities in Schools of Kansas, Kansas
- Communities In Schools of Ottowa, Ottowa
- Community After-School Program (CAP), Oregon
- Community Coordinated Child Care (4-C), Kentucky
- Community Education Partnership, Utah
- Community Learning LLC, New York
- Community Youth Concepts, Iowa
- ConnCAN, Connecticut
- Connecticut After School Network, Connecticut
- Connecticut Association of Boards of Education, Connecticut
- Connecticut Association of Schools, Connecticut
- Connecticut PTSA, Connecticut
- Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa, Minnesota
- Cooperative Extension, University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire
- Coordinated Child Care of Pinellas County, Florida
- Corporate/Education Consulting, Inc., Arizona
- CVS Caremark, Kansas
- D.I.V.I.N.E. Institute, Minnesota
- Dallas AfterSchool Network, Texas
- Danforth & Associates, Oregon
- Daughters of Esther Parent & Children Center, Louisiana
- DC SCORES, District of Columbia
- Department of Education, State of Michigan, Michigan
- Dial A Teacher, Rochester, New York
- Digital Harbor Foundation, Maryland
- Downtown Aurora Visual Arts, Colorado
- Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, Massachusetts
- EAGLE Junior Golf, Georgia
- East Baton Rouge Parish Public Library, Louisiana
- East Side Learning Center, New Hampshire
- Eco Education, Minnesota
- Economic Opportunities through Education (EcO15), Indiana
- EduCare Foundation, California
- Education Connection, Connecticut
- EducationWorks, New Jersey
- Edventure More, California
- El Programa Hispano, Catholic Charities, Oregon
- Elev8 Chicago, Illinois
- End Hunger CT, Connecticut
- Episcopal Community Service, Pennsylvania
- Eugene School District, Oregon
- Evans High School, Florida
- Every Child Valued, New Jersey
- Every Hour Counts, New York
- Extension 4-H and Youth Development, University of Wyoming, Wyoming
- Fallon Youth Club, Nevada
- Family and Youth Counseling Agency, Louisiana
- FamilyMeans, Minnesota
- Federation for Community Schools, Illinois
- First Robotics, Oregon
- Florida Afterschool Alliance, Florida
- Florida Afterschool Network, Florida
- Florida Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs, Florida
- Food And Truth - Fit2cook4Kids, Rhode Island
- For Kids Only Afterschool, Massachusetts
- Forum for Youth Investment, Washington
- Foundation for Science and Mathematics Education, Louisiana
- FowlerHoffman LLC, California
- Fred Wells Tennis & Education Center, Minnesota
- Friends of the St. Paul Public Library, Minnesota
- Full Circle Consulting, Oregon
- Generations Incorporated, Massachusetts
- Genesee Intermediate School, Michigan
- Genesys Works, Minnesota
- Georgia Afterschool Investment Council, Georgia
- Georgia Coastal Youth Inc., Georgia
- Georgia Foundation for Public Education, Georgia
- Get Kids Outside, Wisconsin
- Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys, Minnesota
- Girls Inc. of Northwest Oregon, Oregon
- Good Knowledge Connections, LLC, Pennsylvania
- Good Shepherd Services, New York
- Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corp, Illinois
- Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Assn., Ohio
- Greater Rochester After-School Alliance, New York
- Greater Waco Afterschool Network, Texas
- Greater Wyoming Big Brothers Big Sisters, Wyoming
- Green Bay Area Public School District, Wisconsin
- Guadalupe Alternative Programs, Minnesota
- Harris County Department of Education CASE Program, Texas
- Harrisburg Public Schools, South Dakota
- Harvard Family Research Project, Massachusetts
- Healthy Hands Cooking, South Carolina
- High Tech Kids, Minnesota
- Higher Achievement, District of Columbia
- Highlander Charter School, Rhode Island
- HIRED, Minnesota
- HOPE worldwide, Columbia, SC Chapter, South Carolina
- Hunger Free Vermont, Vermont
- I-Work, Oregon
- Illinois Collaboration on Youth, Illinois
- Illumination Education, Texas
- Immersion Learning, a division of the Sea Research Foundation, Rhode Island
- In Progress, Minnesota
- In Reach, Inc., Maryland
- Independent School District 622, Minnesota
- Indiana Afterschool Network, Indiana
- Informal Science Learning Associates, Texas
- Ingham Lansing Community Coalition for Youth, Michigan
- The Institute for Pan African Cultural Education, Massachusetts
- Intermedia Arts, Minnesota
- Iowa Afterschool Alliance, Iowa
- Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 4-H Youth Development, Iowa
- Jabbok Family Services, Minnesota
- Jamestown Community Center, California
- Jefferson Junction Learning Center, Wisconsin
- Joy Corporation of Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- Kansas 4-H Youth Development, Kansas State University, Kansas
- Kansas Enrichment Network, Kansas
- Kansas State University, Kansas
- K-Consulting Group, LLC, District of Columbia
- Kappa Leadership Institute - Kappa League Boston, Massachusetts
- KDK-Harman Foundation, Texas
- Kentucky Out-of-School Alliance, Kentucky
- Keystone Community Services, Minnesota
- Kids 'n Kinship, Minnesota
- Kinship of Aitkin County, Minnesota
- KNME New Mexico PBS, New Mexico
- L.E.A.F., Oregon
- Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation, Oregon
- Leaders for Life, Inc., New Jersey
- LEARN Resource Center, Indiana
- Lehigh Carbon Community College, Pennsylvania
- Liberty Bank Foundation, Connecticut
- Lincoln County Extension Service, South Dakota
- Lincoln Trail 4-C, Community Coordinated Child Care (4-C), Kentucky
- Linking Learning to Life, Vermont
- Little Rock Workforce Investment Board, Arkansas
- Local Investment Commission, Missouri
- Logan Parks & Recreation, Utah
- Louisiana Center for Afterschool Learning, Louisiana
- M & M Daycare Inc., Michigan
- MACH Academy, Inc., Georgia
- Mad Science of Portland & Vancouver, Oregon
- Maine Afterschool Network, Maine
- Mainspring Consulting, Maryland
- Marion County Commision on Youth, Inc. (MCCOY Inc,), Indiana
- Markham Children's Care Association, Oregon
- Maryland Out of School Time Network, Maryland
- Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership, Massachusetts
- Mattie Rhodes Center, Missouri
- Mayor's Office on Education, Youth and Family, City of North Charleston, South Carolina
- MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership, Virginia
- Michigan After-School Partnership, Michigan
- Michigan Association of School Boards, Michigan
- Michigan Department of Education, Michigan
- Michigan's Children, Michigan
- Minneapolis Public Schools, Minnesota
- Minneapolis Swims, Minnesota
- Minnesota Department of Education, Minnesota
- Minnesota Youth Intervention Programs Association, Minnesota
- Montgomery County Collaboration Council for Children, Youth and Families, Inc., Maryland
- Morgan County Schools, Tennessee
- MSAD54/Skowhegan, ME, Maine
- Nashville After Zone Alliance, Tennessee
- National 4-H Council, Maryland
- National AfterSchool Association, District of Columbia
- National Association of Elementary School Principals, Virginia
- National Collaboration for Youth, District of Columbia
- National Council of La Raza, District of Columbia
- National Girls Collaborative Project, Washington
- National Institute on Out-of-School Time, Massachusetts
- National League of Cities, District of Columbia
- National School Boards Association, Virginia
- National Summer Learning Association, Maryland
- National Youth Leadership Council, Minnesota
- Nebraska Children & Families Foundation, Nebraska
- Nebraska Trucking Association, Nebraska
- Neighborhood House, Minnesota
- New America School Denver, Colorado
- New Directions Youth Ministry, Minnesota
- New Hampshire Afterschool Network, New Hampshire
- New Jersey Department of Education, New Jersey
- New Jersey Principals & Supervisors Association, New Jersey
- New Jersey School-Age Care Coalition, New Jersey
- New Neighborhoods Inc., Connecticut
- New Orleans Outreach, Louisiana
- New Planet Education Center, Minnesota
- New York City Department of Education, New York
- New York State Afterschool Network, New York
- nFocus Solutions, Texas
- NoBell Initiative, Virginia
- North Carolina Center for Afterschool Programs, North Carolina
- North Central Workforce Investment Board, Pennsylvania
- North Hennepin Community College, Minnesota
- Northern Home for Children, Pennsylvania
- Northwest Youth & Family Services, Minnesota
- Norwalk Children's Foundation, Connecticut
- Oakland Leaf, California
- Ohio Afterschool Network, Ohio
- Ohio State University Extension, 4-H, Ohio
- Oklahoma Afterschool Network, Oklahoma
- Old Arizona, Minnesota
- One Love Global, Michigan
- Operation Xcel, North Carolina
- Opportunity Neighborhood, Minnesota
- Oregon Child Care Resource & Referral Network, Oregon
- Oregon FIRST, Oregon
- Oregon Pre-Engineering & Applied Sciences Initiative, Oregon
- Oregon PTA, Oregon
- OregonAEYC, Oregon
- OregonASK, Oregon
- Our Community's Children, Michigan
- PAL of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Park Avenue Youth & Family Services, Minnesota
- Partnership for Children and Youth, California
- Partnership for Youth Development, Louisiana
- Pennsylvania Afterschool Youth Development Network, Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators, Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania PTA, Pennsylvania
- Perrin Family Foundation, Connecticut
- Peta Wakan Tipi, Minnesota
- Philadelphia Mental Health Center, Pennsylvania
- Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, Minnesota
- Pima County Joint Technical Education District, Arizona
- Playful Creations, New Jersey
- Plymouth Christian Youth Center, Minnesota
- Portland Children's Levy, Oregon
- Preferred Visions, Iowa
- Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc., Florida
- Professional Impact New Jersey, New Jersey
- Project for Pride in Living (PPL), Minnesota
- Project Get Outdoors, Inc., Minnesota
- Project MOST, New York
- Project SUCCESS, Minnesota
- Promising Youth Center for Excellence, Kentucky
- Providence After School Alliance, Rhode Island
- Public Education Network, District of Columbia
- R' Club Child Care, Inc., Florida
- Raw Art Works, Inc., Massachusetts
- Redeemer Hospitality Mission, Inc., Indiana
- Redeemer Lutheran Church, Minnesota
- RedSeven/ABOTA, Hawaii
- Reve Academy, Minnesota
- Rhode Island Afterschool Plus Alliance, Rhode Island
- Rhode Island College, Rhode Island
- Richland County School District One, South Carolina
- Right At School, Illinois
- Rochester City School District, New York
- Rutgers University Center for Children and Childhood Studies, New Jersey
- Sabathani Community Center, Minnesota
- Saint Paul Area Council of Churches, Minnesota
- Saint Paul Urban Tennis, Minnesota
- Saints Tabernacle OST Program, Pennsylvania
- Salem Child Development Center, Oregon
- Salem-Keizer Education Foundation, Oregon
- Salem/Keizer Coalition Equality, Oregon
- Saturday Academy, Oregon
- Savannah Area Tennis Association, Georgia
- Save the Children, District of Columbia
- Schenectady County Youth Bureau, New York
- Schmahl Science Workshops, California
- School Administrators of South Dakota, South Dakota
- School's Out Washington, Washington
- Sharp Ideas LLC, New Jersey
- Sioux Falls School District, South Dakota
- Siouxland Human Investment Partnership (SHIP), Iowa
- Siuslaw School District, Oregon
- Skills For Life, Inc., Minnesota
- Smarter Learning Group, Maryland
- So How Are the Children, Minnesota
- Social Legends, Indiana
- Soul of Camden, Inc., New Jersey
- South Carolina Afterschool Alliance, South Carolina
- South Carolina Arts Commission, South Carolina
- South Dakota Afterschool Partnership, South Dakota
- South Dakota Arts Council, South Dakota
- South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, South Dakota
- South Dakota School Age Care Alliance (SoDakSACA), South Dakota
- South Dakota State University Extension, South Dakota
- South Dakota Voices for Children, South Dakota
- South Dakotans for the Arts, South Dakota
- Southeast Florida Lions Foundation, Florida
- Southeastern Regional Technical High School, Massachusetts
- St. Lawrence County Youth Bureau, New York
- St. Mark Community Center, Iowa
- St. Phillips After School Program, Pennsylvania
- St. Philip's College, Texas
- State Public Policy Group (SPPG), Iowa
- Statesville Housing Authority, North Carolina
- STEMfinity, Idaho
- SteppingStone Theatre for Youth Development, Minnesota
- Students Today Leaders Forever, Minnesota
- System Wide Solutions, South Carolina
- Taft Elementary School, Oregon
- teelaspillerinc., Georgia
- Texas 4-H, Texas
- Texas American Federation of Teachers, Texas
- Texas Partnership for Out of School Time (TXPOST), Texas
- The Arkansas Out of School Network, Arkansas
- The Children's Aid Society, New York
- The Cleveland Foundation, Ohio
- The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, California
- The Early Years Institute, New York
- The Forum for Youth Investment, District of Columbia
- The Foxfire Fund, Inc., Georgia
- The Henry & Rilla White Youth Foundation, Inc., Florida
- The Jacksonville Children's Commission, Florida
- The JASON Project, Connecticut
- The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk, Connecticut
- The Richard Riley Institute, South Carolina
- To Our Children's Future With Health, Inc., Pennsylvania
- Torani, California
- Travelers Aid Family Services of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Turner Recreation Commission, Kansas
- United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County, North Carolina
- United Way of Central Massachusetts, Massachusetts
- United Way of East Central Iowa, Iowa
- United Way of Florida, Florida
- United Way Mid-South, Tennessee
- United Way of Northwest Louisiana, Louisiana
- United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania
- United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona, Arizona
- United Way of York County, Maine
- United Ways of Texas, Texas
- University of Arkansas, Arkansas
- University of Vermont Extension 4-H, Vermont
- Urban Support Agency, Inc., Louisiana
- Urban Video Game Academy - Smartwheels, Maryland
- Utah Afterschool Network, Utah
- Valley of the Sun United Way, Arizona
- Vermont Center for Afterschool Excellence, Vermont
- Virginia Partnership for Out-of-School Time, Virginia
- Voyageur Outward Bound - Twin Cities Center, Minnesota
- Wake Education Partnership, North Carolina
- Watertown School District, South Dakota
- Wausau School District, Wisconsin
- Waypoint Adventure, Massachusetts
- West 7th Community Center, Minnesota
- West Virginia Statewide Afterschool Network, West Virginia
- West Virginia University Extension Service, West Virginia
- Western Institute for Leadership Development, Arizona
- WFSU, Florida
- WGBH Educational Foundation, Massachusetts
- What's Next? Consulting, Wyoming
- WINGS for kids, South Carolina
- WisdomTools, Indiana
- Women's Intercultural Center, New Mexico
- Woodburn Recreation & Parks, Oregon
- Wyman, Missouri
- Wyoming Afterschool Alliance, Wyoming
- Wyoming Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals, Wyoming
- Wyoming Community Foundation, Wyoming
- Wyoming Department of Education, Wyoming
- Wyoming NASA Space Grant, University of Wyoming, Wyoming
- Wyoming School Boards Association, Wyoming
- Xiitoacademy, California
- YMCA, Minnesota
- YMCA of Columbia-Willamette, Oregon
- YMCA of Greater Cincinnati, Ohio
- YMCA of Greater Kansas City, Kansas
- YMCA of Greater Kansas City, Kansas
- YMCA of Greater Miami, Florida
- YMCA of Greater Providence, Rhode Island
- YMCA of Metropolitan Washington, District of Columbia
- YMCA of Northern Utah, Utah
- YMCA of Rapid City, South Dakota
- YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities, Minnesota
- YMCA of Silicon Valley, California
- Young Audiences of Louisiana, Louisiana
- Youth Development Executives of King County, Washington
- Youth Outcomes, Inc., Michigan
- Youth Service Project, Illinois
- Youth Work Learning Center, Wisconsin
- YouthCARE, Minnesota
- Youthprise, Minnesota
- YWCA Greater Lawrence, Massachusetts
- YWCA Topeka, Kansas