This presentation for the Council of Great City Schools describes expanded learning models developed by TASC, Boston After School and Beyond and the Providence After-School Alliance with recommendations for district leaders.
Expanded Learning Models
Building on decades of research and practice on afterschool (see the Expanded Learning and Afterschool Project’s brief from Durlak and Weissberg for more information), TASC, Boston After School and Beyond, the Providence After-School Alliance and After School Matters have developed models of expanded learning, working in collaboration with local school districts, schools, community organizations and other intermediaries. The resources below offer agencies and organizations a better understanding of the wide range of school/community partnership models and can help determine what program elements to consider when developing models to meet the specific needs of individual communities.
Expanded Learning: Re-imagining the Learning Day for Student and School Success
How to Schedule Expanded Learning: Three Cities, Three Ways
This brief presents three expanded learning schedules providing rich learning experiences for students during the school year and over the summer, illustrating successful partnerships for school district leaders, after-school intermediaries, policymakers and others.